Underwater Cultural Heritage
Underwater Cultural Heritage Working Group (EAC UCH WG)
The aims of the Underwater Cultural Heritage Working Group are:
a) to link together in partnership EAC member countries, and other European countries, with an interest in the underwater cultural heritage in order that common policies and practice can be developed and applied.
b) to identify the courses of action necessary to further best practice in the field of underwater cultural heritage management, and to effect the means to achieve this action.
The Underwater Cultural Heritage Working Group began in the late 1990's as a small discussion group with representatives of marine/underwater archaeological heritage managers from five countries (Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland and the UK). The Group addressed issues such as the barriers to professional underwater archaeologists working in other European countries. In 2005, a programme of seminars on the most pressing issues in underwater heritage management. The seminar topics included clarifying the concept of submerged archaeological sites (whether shipwrecks or drowned landscapes) containing heritage belonging to, or of interest to, countries other than the one in whose jurisdiction it lies. A seminar addressing the latter topic was held in the British Academy, London, in June 2006.
In 2006, a key aim of the Group was to increase its membership of representatives of those with underwater heritage management responsibilities in Europe.

Fionnbarr Moore, Underwater Archaeology Unit, National Monuments Section, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland
e-mail: Fionnbarr.Moore@ahg.gov.ie
Fionnbarr Moore, Chair, Senior Archaeologist, Underwater Archaeology Unit, National Monuments Service, Ireland
Ian Oxley, Head of Maritime Archaeology, English Heritage, United Kingdom
Francisco J. S. Alves, Director, Centro Nacional de Arqueologia Náutica e Subaquática, Portugal
Jørgen Dencker, Maritime Archaeology, Viking Ship Museum, Denmark
Michel L'Hour, Conservateur en Chef du Patrimoine, Directeur du Département des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines, France
Dr Friedrich Luth, Director, German Archaeological Institute, Germany
Jasen Mesic, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Croatia
Drs. Andrea D.C. Otte-Klomp, Senior beleidsmedewerker Maritiem Erfgoed, Rijksdienst voor het Cultuireel Erfgoed, Netherlands
Marnix Pieters, Maritime Archaeology and Heritage Afloat Unit, Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE), Belgium
Iwona Pomian, Head of Department of Underwater Archaeology, Polish Maritime Museum, Poland
Maili Roio, National Heritage Board, Tallinn, Estonia
Dr. Helmut Schlichtherle, Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Germany
Fredrik Skoglund, Department of Archaeology and Cultural History, Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Trondheim, Norway
Dr. Attila Tóth, Ministry of Interior, Hungary
Stefan Wessman, Maritime Archaeology Unit, National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki, Finland
Dr.Claus Wolf, Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dr Björn Varenius, National Maritime Museums, Stockholm, Sweden