This is a round up of EAC activities from December 2022 to May 2023.
Annual Meetings In March 2023, the Annual Meeting was held in Bonn, Germany, hosted by the LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage on behalf of the Verband der Landesarchäologien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
The theme was ‘New Challenges - Archaeological Heritage Management and the Archaeology of the 18th to 20th centuries'. It was a popular topic, with a wide range of papers delivered
and much discussion.
The next Annual Meeting will be held 21-23 March 2024 in Brussels, Belgium, on the theme of 'Urban Archaeology and the Cities of Tomorrow' (exact title to be confirmed).
Officers and administration The EAC welcomed Gabor Viragos (Hungary) to join the Board. Rebecca Jones (UK Scotland), Eszter Kreiter (Hungary) and Lyudmil Vagalinski (Bulgaria) stepped down from the Board, and we extend thanks for their commitment to EAC. The EAC Board met in Bonn, Germany before the Annual Meeting, and focussed on plans to publish and promote the guidance being developed by the working groups.
Publications EAC Occasional Paper 18 – the extended abstracts of the 2022 Heritage Symposium on the topic Archaeology and the Natural Environment' – was published by Archaeolingua. The full proceedings were published by Internet Archaeology. You can find digital versions of both on the EAC website here.
European Affairs Update, the EAC/ EAA newsletter – which rounds up matters of European heritage policy and funding – was published in January and April 2023. You can sign up here if you wish to join the mailing list.
Policies and other activities The EAC Vice-President Agnieszka Oniszczuk represented EAC at the 11th Plenary session of the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) in November, and at its new working group in April, which is looking at digital developments in the fields of culture, creativity and cultural heritage.
Working Groups The EAC Working Groups met in Bonn and online, and gave presentations at the General Assembly to inform members of their progress in developing new guidance and recommendations in key areas of European Heritage Management. The Archaeological Archives, Making the Case (public benefit of developer-led Archaeology), National Research Frameworks, Archaeological Significance and Remote Sensing groups all hope to deliver publications in the next 12 months. Please expect more information about these publications in the coming months. Find out more about the working groups here or contact the Assistant
The EAC Remote Sensing working group is running a survey to collect information from archaeological remote sensing and aerial prospection specialists about their needs, priorities, skills and professional activities, alongside information about the needs and priorities of the organisations where they work. By collecting this information, they aim to provide the AARG/ISAP/EAC membership and the wider community with an overview of the state of the profession in archaeological remote sensing and aerial prospection and its contributions to archaeology and heritage management. The survey is open until 30 June 2023, find it here. Please encourage your colleagues to contribute!