Despite the impact of covid, the EAC has had a fruitful year: this is a round up of EAC activities in 2021/ 2022.

Annual Meetings In March 2022, the Annual Meeting was held in Vienna, Austria and online, hosted by the Austrian Federal Monuments Authority and the Natural History Museum, Vienna. The theme of the Heritage Symposium was 'Archaeology and the Natural Environment' and recordings of the presentations can be found here. The EAC issued a statement about the situation in Ukraine, here. The next Annual Meeting will be held 23-25 March 2023 in Bonn, Germany, hosted by the LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage on behalf of the Verband der Landesarchäologien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. The theme will be 'Making choices - archaeological heritage management and the archaeology of modernity'
Membership Malta (Superintendence of Cultural Heritage) became the latest member to join EAC in March 2022.

Officers and administration Barney Sloane (UK) stepped down as President in March 2022, and is replaced by Ann Degraeve (Belgium). Agnieszka Oniszczuk (Poland) is Vice-President, and Michael MacDonagh (Ireland) is Secretary. Rebecca Jones (UK) joins as a new board member. Desislava Gradinarova stepped down as EAC Assistant in July 2021, and is replaced by Jenni Butterworth.

Publications EAC Occasional Paper 17 – the extended abstracts of the 2021 Heritage Symposium on the topic 'Climate Change and Archaeology' – was published by Archaeolingua and is available here. The full proceedings were published by Internet Archaeology and are available here. European Affairs Update, the EAC/ EAA newsletter – which rounds up matters of European heritage policy and funding – was published in July 2021, February and April 2022. You can sign up here if you wish to join the mailing list.
Policies and other activities The General Assembly agreed a new EAC Strategic Plan and Communications Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines the EAC's vision that 'the management of Europe’s heritage includes archaeological heritage as a central component, recognising its value to society and economy, and that that heritage is afforded adequate protection as a source of the European collective memory, as an instrument for historical and scientific study, and as a catalyst for collaboration and inclusion'. The Communications Plan aims to 'promote the work of the EAC and its working groups and inform the EAC membership of latest developments, initiatives, events, achievements and publications.'

Working Groups The seven EAC working groups continued to make steady progress, despite delays due to covid. The Communications group prepared the Communications Plan, and the Rural Land Use group delivered its annual round up to the General Assembly. The Archaeological Archives group has begun work on recommendations for decision makers regarding the heritage value of digital archeological archives and is preparing translations of the existing Guidance on selection in archaeological archiving: EAC Guideline 3. The Making the Case (public benefit of developer-led Archaeology) group will deliver draft guidance text for review in 2022 and the National Research Frameworks group in 2023. The Archaeological Significance group is looking for national case studies to include in their guidance. The Remote Sensing Group has a new co-Chair and has started on new guidance for use of Lidar in Archaeology. Find out more about the working groups here. Please contact the Assistant if you have any queries or offers of help for the working groups.
The communication survey for EAC members is out now: if you are an EAC member and have not received it by email, please contact the Assistant to request it. The EAC Board is very keen to receive members’ feedback to guide EAC activities in the coming year.