Media page
YouTube videos of the EAC Symposium in Brighton
17th Heritage Management Symposium, Digital Archaeological Heritage, 17-18 March, 2016 (Brighton, UK)
Paul Bryan, Historic Building Information Modelling. (England, UK)
David Novák, Current state and future visions of virtual research tools in Czech Republic (Czech Republic)
Elisabeth Jerem/József Laszlovszky, Application of New Digital Technologies in Archaeological Heritage Management in Hungary (Hungary)
Videos by Doug Rocks-Macqueen with the support of Historic England. (Recording Archaeology)
Full list of links to presentation videos:
Session 1. Measuring and Sensing
James Hepher, The Rae Project: Digital Documentation of a Nation’s Heritage (Scotland, UK)
Sergiu Musteata, Non-invasive archaeology in the Republic of Moldova - an example of multidisciplinary approach and international partnerships (Moldova)
Mark Dunkley, Ultra-sonic research on submarine hulls (England, UK)
David Bibby, Survey2GIS - A flexible, open source solution for transferring survey data into GIS. (Germany)
Paul Bryan, Historic Building Information Modelling (England, UK)
Session 2. Data to Knowledge
Agnieszka Oniszczuk, Archaeology in the GIS portal of the National Heritage Board of Poland (Poland)
Åsa M Larsson, Digitalizing the Archaeological Process in Sweden (Sweden)
Peter McKeague, Why the historic environment needs a Spatial Data infrastructure (Scotland, UK)
Máté Stibrányi, Switching to digital tools. Archaeological heritage evaluation for preventive archaeology in Hungary (Hungary)
Hella Hollander, Saving Treasures: The DANS digital archive (Netherlands)
Rudina Zoto, ASA: an Open Source WebGIS application for Albania (Albania)
Julian Richards, Long term data preservation and re-use: the work of the Archaeology Data Service (University of York, UK)
Session 3. Visualising the Past
Elena Korka, New opportunities for access to cultural goods by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports (Greece)
Elizabeth Jerem/ József Laszlovszky, Recent Developments in the Application of New Digital Technologies in Archaeological Heritage Management in Hungary (Hungary)
Jiri Unger/Petr Kvetina, On-site presentation of the invisible prehistoric landscapes (Czech Republic)
Hans Blanchart, Archaeology and Geohistory: building a multi-user platform in the Brussels Capital Region (Brussels, Belgium)