EAC publication guidelines
It is not assumed that a symposium must always produce a publication. The decision to publish symposium papers in an EAC volume should be done in advance by the EAC Board and the organizer(s) of the symposium. In some cases, this decision can be changed afterwards if the organizer(s) do not succeed in collecting enough papers; there are doubts about their quality, etc. The organizer(s) of the symposium and the EAC Board should together decide what was important, what is worth publishing and what will create a coherent focus for the volume. The ultimate responsibility rests with the EAC Board which has the right to make final decisions on any aspect of the proposed volume.
There is not a direct (1:1) relationship between a successful symposium and the proceedings. Transforming a symposium of oral papers into a worthwhile publication may require restructuring, additional papers, refocusing of existing papers and even some papers being excluded from the publication if they do not fit the definition of the publication.
As a general rule, the scientific organiser of the symposium is the main editor of the subsequent EAC volume.
Ideally, a publication from a symposium should be published within 1 year.
It is important to ensure the quality of the published volumes. This is a shared responsibility between the editor(s) and the EAC Board. The EAC Board may decide to establish an ad hoc Editorial Board if it thinks this would contribute to improving the quality of the publication.
Time commitment from the editor(s) needs to be ensured and timetabled closely. It can be estimated that the editor(s) will usually spend40-80 full working days in preparing an EAC volume, though of course this depends on the number of articles included.
The choice of the publisher and the studio preparing the files (layout) should be done in cooperation between the editor(s) and the EAC Board.
Print runs are considered on a case-by-case basis depending on expectations of sales and other kinds of dissemination of the volume. This question must be discussed with the EAC Board.
It is important that editorial notes/style sheets are adhered to closely by authors and editor(s) as this is a part of ensuring a product of the appropriate level of quality.
The EAC Board has the right to refuse a paper on the grounds that its quality is inadequate, or/and its content strongly harms the reputation of a country's cultural heritage protection system or practice.
The appropriate steps must be taken to ensure that a skilled native speaker checks all papers included in the volume.
A timetable for editorial work must be prepared by the editor(s) and approved by the EAC Board for every volume. The timetable should aim to ensure that the publication appears within an appropriate time, which in the normal course will be within a year of the holding of the symposium). For the assistance of editors a suggested standard timetable is set out below:
previous year October-December: the EAC Board decides about a new EAC volume and designates an editor(s);
end of March: editor(s) sends the EAC Board a list of the possible papers;
middle of April: the EAC Board confirms the list of papers, and makes suggestions for changes if needed;
May-September: first editing stage (collecting the papers, editing/completion of the texts, contacting authors, if possible finalising the illustrations, language editing);end of August: deadline for the submission of papers;
September-November: second editing stage (editing/completion of the texts, finalising the illustrations, language editing);
end of September: the editor(s) sends the EAC Board those papers which could not be published, and explains his/her decision. The EAC Board should indicate whether or not it approves such refusal within two weeks;
final decision of the editor(s) and the EAC Board whether to publish certain papers;
agree specifications with the EAC Board and the publisher (e.g. rough page length, print run, review timescale, list of the free authors' and editors' copies);
approval of the EAC Board on the list of free distributions;
November-December: deliver text/illustrations to publisher, layout and proofing;
January-February: final proofing, printing.
EAC Annual Meeting (March): official presentation of the new EAC Occasional papers; partial delivery of the free authors' copies.
Post production
EAC provides distribution of free authors' copies according to a list compiled by the editor(s) and approved by the EAC Board. The distribution rate of the EAC volume copies at the disposal of the editor(s) is 15 percent, which includes both the authors' copies and the copies for promotion.
Practical tasks of the editor(s) after the printing of the EAC volumes:
compilation of a list of names and addresses of authors;
decision if free editors' copies of the volume are needed for promotional purposes (the numbers should be discussed with the EAC Board in advance);
providing advice to the EAC Board on developing a distribution policy for the volume (the distribution policy must be cost effective);
presentation of the volume on the request of the EAC Board at the official launch.
The free distribution of the volume to the authors, the editor(s), the EAC members and other parties should be discussed and organised together by the editor(s), the publisher (or distributor) company and the EAC assistant in a cost effective way.
Submission of papers
Contributions should be e-mailed to the editor(s) of the volume. Where files exceed 4 MB the authors are requested to submit them on a CD (posted to the address of the editor) or through another adequate medium (e.g., http://www.uschovna.cz/en/). Please also supply a print-out of your text and figures. Let the editor know by email when you have posted material so that he/she can confirm its arrival.
Contributions will be printed in English, French or German. The editor(s) would appreciate if every effort is made to ensure the readability of the papers before submission. This is especially so where the language used is not the first language of the author(s).
Every contribution should be accompanied by a minimum of 5 keywords.
Every contribution should be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 120 words. It would be extremely helpful if a translation of the abstract into the other two languages is also provided.
Length and format of the files
Texts should include, in this order:
author's name, title, postal address, email
text for article
captions and copyright credits for each illustration
The contributions should be approximately 8000 words. In some cases longer contributions may be allowed. The editor(s) should be consulted before a longer contribution is submitted.
Texts should be delivered in a MS Word format (DOC), the preferred version of this software should be detailed by the editor(s).
The author(s) should use only one font size, for example, 10p or 12p Times. Please do not ‘design' your article by emboldening the title or subheadings, or by using style templates, boxes or tints, all of which will need to be stripped out before editing.
Please make reasonable use of sub-headings to improve readability.
Use bold fonts only for the headings and use italics sparingly.
Illustrations should preferably be in the form of photographs, tables and maps. All the illustrations should be referred to as Figure. Note that the type area is 165 mm and 79 mm for the columns. Accordingly, all figures should conform to one of these dimensions.
Illustrations should be sized to 80 mm (single column), 165 cm (double column) or 122 mm (between sizes) - with fonts/scale bars that are in keeping.
Figures must be in the TIF or high quality JPG format and should be named fig 01, fig 02, etc. The figure files must be added separately from the text file. The TIF files must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi for colour and greyscale figures, 1000 dpi for (bitmap) line art.
Multi-part figures must be labeled a, b, c etc. Please use one, or at the most, two sizes for characters in the figures. Note that the figures may be re-scaled.
Refer to the figures in the text and provide a detailed legend for each figure. The legends (list) should be added to the text after the references. Figures should be referred as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.
Authors are asked to standardize fonts for labels on illustrations (e.g. where ‘A', ‘B' etc. is used).
Tables should be delivered as separate MS Excel files and labeled as table 01, table 02, etc.
The legends for the tables should be added to the text after the figures.
All the tables should be referred to in the text as Table 1 etc.
References to literature are to be included in the text as (Wilson 2001; Castro et al 1995). Please do not use footnotes in any form.
References should be given as follows:
In the case of a journal:
Coles, J. 1999: The Dancer on the Rock: record and analysis at Järrestad, Sweden. Proc. Prehistoric Society 65, 167-187.
In the case of a contribution in a book:
Påhllson, I, Alm, K. & Hammar, T. 1994: Pollen och makro-fossilanalys, in K. Andersson, A. Biwall, P. Frölund, J. Holm, B. Rosborg, G. Wahs & L.Wrang (ed.): Tibble - bebyggelse och gravar i norra Trögden, Riksantikvarieämbetet UV Uppsala, Rapport 1994.52, Uppsala, 325-356.
In the case of book:
Willems, W.J.H. (ed.) 1999: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de Archeologische Monumentenzorg. Nederlandse Archologische Rapporten 20, Amersfoort.
For further examples see the EAC Occasional Papers 3, 4 and 5.
Use 100 B.C. or A.D. 425.
One, two, three, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Avoid Roman numerals.
Abbreviate units of measurement.
In referring to pages use 367-85 instead of 367-385, and 102-8 instead of 102-108.
1970s, 1980s not 1970's, 1980's
Use one space after semi-colons, dashes, colons, periods.
Standardize style of numbers in lists, preferably to (1), (2), etc.
In case of enumeration use bullets like (space before/after all blocks of bullet points):
There is
A fairytale
By D. Cowley, S. Trow, P. Schut and M. Kuna, compiled by M. Kuna, approved by the EAC Board
(Oct 21st, 2011)
Revision by Sean Kirwan, Jan Marik, Peter Schut and Réka Virágos, approved by the EAC Board
(July 2014)