Designing a Research Framework
You have decided to develop a research framework, so what are the things that you need to consider and the practical steps to deliver what you and your users need.
Who is the research framework for? What are their needs?
Need to identify audience and their needs – this will have an impact on the approach on how to create the framework and the format/content/scope of the framework.
Audience and user needs
Identify what you want to achieve/your goals
Identify the main audiences for the research framework
Identify the needs of your audience
Developing the structure/content/scope of the framework
How do you want to structure your framework, what topics do you want to cover and what format will the end product take. Information from the review of the different existing research frameworks will provide examples of this.
Content – what could be included, eg
current state of knowledge
research themes
strategies (to fill the knowledge gaps)
research questions
Period driven
Scale (regional/national)
Research framework/management plan
Cultural heritage/natural heritage
The process of creating research frameworks
How are you going to do it and who are you going to involve in the process?
Information from the review of the different existing research frameworks will provide examples the ways that various frameworks have been created – including pros and cons:
Partnerships and networks (involving different stakeholders including academia)
Community voice v expert voice
Workshops and round table discussions
Case studies
Project teams etc....