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Marianne Schauman-Lonnqvist

Opening address
urgen Kunow

Grus- und Vorwort
Dirk Krausse


  1. Die Bedeutung denkmalpflegerisch bedingter Grosprojekte fur die archaologische Forschung
    Harald Stauble

  2. Weaving Strands: Integrating excavations, landscapes and the human past along the A1 major road in East Lothian, Scotland 
    Olivia Lelong and Gavin MacGregor

  3. Routes to the past: large-scale roads excavations in the Republic of Ireland
    Eamon Cody

  4. Des sondages systematiques et des fouilles realisees sur de grandes superficies. Deux techniques au service d’un passe enseveli
    Geertrui Blancquaert and Pascal Depaepe

  5. Contribution des fouilles de grande ampleur a la connaissance des campagnes de la fin de l’Age du Fer et de l’epoque romaine : un exemple du sud de la France, Nimes et ses campagnes
    Jean-Pierre Giraud

  6. Unveiling Bronze Age, Iron Age and native Roman communities in lower Nijmegen (the Netherlands) Twelve years of excavations in a fluvial area
    Peter W. van den Broeke and Eugene A.G. Ball

  7. The Ottonian margravial centre of Ename: from large-scale excavations to international regulations
    Dirk Callebaut and Koen De Groote

  8. L’operation archeologique sur le trace de la ligne a grande vitesse en Wallonie et plus particulierement entre Helecine et la frontiere allemande. Premiers apports et interpretations
    Heike Fock et Helene Remy

  9. Large-scale preventive excavations in Hungary
    Katalin Wollak and Pal Raczky

  10. The past and present of large-scale excavations in the Czech Republic
    Martin Kuna and Zdeněk Smrž

  11. Die vorgeschichtliche Siedlungslandschaft am Beispiel von Grosprojekten in Sachsen-Anhalt
    Susanne Friederich

  12. Lineare Projekte in Baden-Wurttemberg – Erste Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse
    Jorg Bofinger

  13. Excavations on linear projects in Bavaria – problems and strategies
    Stefanie Berg-Hobohm

  14. Berlin Brandenburg International – the capital’s new main airport. Planning, excavation and results of the archaeological investigations
    Sabine Eickhoff (with a contribution from Ulrich Dirks)

  15. Archaologie beim Bau der Nord-Sud Stadtbahn Koln
    Marcus Trier


Additional conference contributions (summaries)



Content EAC Occasional paper 6
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