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Content EAC Occasional paper 3

M. Schaumann-Lönnqvist

Listing archaeological sites, protecting the historical landscape
P. Schut

  1. J. Bazelmans, Value and values in archaeology and archaeological heritage management in the Netherlands

  2. A. Letor / M.-J. Ghenne, Perspectives sur les relations entre la gestion du matrimoine archéologique et la gestion du paysage en Région wallone (Belgique)

  3. S. F. Cacho / D. V. Torres, From the archaeological heritage inventories to the historical landscapes of Spain

  4. P. Vergain, Le recensement des données archéologiques pour la reconstitution des paysages historiques et les conditions de leur intégration dans l'aménagement durable des territoires : l'approche française

  5. K. H. Sigurðardóttir / S. U. Pálsdóttir, Listing of archaeological sites - the Icelandic case

  6. K. Wollák, Listing - precondition of protection?

  7. E. Cody, Listing archaeological sites, protecting the historical landscape. The situation in the Republic of Ireland

  8. A. Prinke, Seven years after Seville: Recent progress in managing the archaeological heritage in Poland

  9. P. Schut / N. Vossen, Listing and scheduling archaeological sites. Recent developments in the Netherlands

  10. P. Norman / R. Sohlenius, ASIS - more than a register of ancient monuments

  11. B. Djurić / P. Mason / B. Mlakar / K. K. Naglić / B. Petek, Listing archaeological sites - integrating heritage: the case of Slovenia

  12. S. Zirne, Protection of archaeological monuments in the Republic of Latvia

  13. I. Saprykina, Safeguarding Russia's archaeological heritage - the current situation and proposed system changes

  14. R. Bowdler, How is England's Archaeological Heritage Managed?

  15. D. Mihai / M. Angelescu, A Centrally Managed GIS System for Protection of Romanian Archaeological Sites and Historic Monuments

  16. Chr. Mayer, Places - Landscapes. Listings - Assessments. Some ideas about the numerical evaluation of archaeological landscapes

  17. M. Schaumann-Lönnqvist, Protecting archaeological sites in a larger context - a Finnish challenge

  18. J. Kunow, A new inventory for the lower German Limes (Rhine-Limes) 2005 - 2007

  19. A. Hafner, The PALAFITTES database - An archaeological site inventory crossing the state borders

  20. L. de Wit, L. Ziengs, Listing and protection of archaeological sites in Europe - summary

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