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Content EAC Occasional paper 1

N. Davidson, A foreword from the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
A. Olivier, The Europe Archaeologiae Consilium
J. Coles, The Wetland Archaeology Research Project

Section I: Concepts and legislation

- B. Coles, A past less foreign: wetland archaeology and its survival in European perspective
- S. Marsden, The heritage management of wetlands: legislative designation and protection, a viewpoint from England and Wales
- G. Walters, Threats and pressures on wetland environments in England and Wales and the response of the Environment Agency

Section II: National and regional overviews of archaeological heritage management of wetlands

- B. Coles, Britain and Ireland
- S. van Dockum/D. Hallewas/R. van Heeringen/E. Jungerius, The Netherlands
- A. Fischer, Scandinavia
- B. Gramsch, Nordostdeutschland
- W. Brzezinski, Poland
- J.-P. Taavitsainen, Finnland
- G. Burov, European Russia
- F. Marzatico, Mediterranean Europe
- Chr. Marangou, Greece
- D. Ramseyer, La Suisse

Section III: Case Studies

- P. Pétrequin, Gestion du patrimoine en milieu humide: le cas de la France et des lacs de Chalain et de Clairvaux
- H. Schlichtherle, Schutz und Management archäologischer Denkmale im Bodensee und Federsee
- R. van de Noort, Thorne Moors: a contested wetland in north-eastern England
- J. Stewart, Wetland birds in the archaeological and recent palaeontological record of Britain and Europe
- D. Bull/B. Coles, Archaeology and Ramsar in England
- D. Miles, Ramsar designation and the case of Seahenge
- J. Cruz/M.-J. Viñals, The cultural heritage of Mediterranean wetlands: a methodological proposal for an inventory

Section IV: Reactions

- J. Coles, Wetlands, archaeology and conservation at AD2001
- A. Olivier, Europae Archaeologiae Consilium. A strategy for the heritage management of wetlands

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